It was too damn hard

Thi Lieu

No matter where you are,
No matter how long ago we grew apart,
I'll always remember you as the boy,
I have loved the most.
Because even after the fights,
Even after all the painful lies,
You brought something unexplainable in my life.
You made my life so bright.
No one else knows how good it felt,
When you said those special words to me,
"You are the most important thing I have ever held."
But I guess people go their own ways,
When you see the person you love,
Live in such an unbearable pain.
Because all I ever wanted, was to make you feel happy and loved.
But seeing us like that,
I guess it was too damn hard.

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Geplaatst op: 02-06-2022

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Thi Lieu (Actief sinds: 19-01-2020)


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