Like hand in glove

Ron Dietvorst

You cross my mind
like a thousand times a day
I can draw you even if I were blind
carve you from marble or shape you in clay

got love to give you wider than the ocean
tenderness higher than hills and mountains
I'll serve you love potion with my motion
worship you with a thousand roses by the fountains

will you be my lover for good and bad times
I will promise to give endearment and love
already I can hear the silver bells chime
were fit for one another like hand in glove.

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Geplaatst op: 06-03-2021

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Over deze dichter

Ron Dietvorst (Actief sinds: 18-05-2018)


Op dit gedicht ‘Like hand in glove’ van Ron Dietvorst zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op