Quest for love

Joris Olivier

Quest for love

Writing poems is a marvelous joy.
In this one I'll write about a boy,
wanting to fall in love with a girl,
a girl like the one with the pearl
on the painting of John Vermeer,
with a pearl in her quite lovely ear.

I saw her walking down the street,
she was so gorgeous and sweet.
But for courting her, I was to shy,
I haven’t the slightest idea why.
So she passed me without a wink,
that she saw the desires I think.

So I'm still with empty hands.
I'm afraid that my serious quests
will end without any success.
I'm, nevertheless, not hopeless.

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Geplaatst op: 16-09-2023

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Joris Olivier (Actief sinds: 09-06-2023)


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