can of feelings

lida dichteres

Feelings twirl, feelings feel, feelings linger.
They stay low, get pushed, stay hidden.
We notice them, write them down, sing them.
They form art, anger plays base drum.

And in the end..

Life's just a bunch of feelings thrown together in a can,
and if you lose control then you become an angry man.
Life's just a bunch of feelings, coördinated by the hart,
and we all are have trouble, letting down our guard.

We read them and feed them.
Keychange and release them.
Discover and hide them,
when they're meant for sharing.
Disguise them as riddles,
unlock if we're daring.

And in the end..

Life's just a bunch of feelings thrown together in a can,
and if you lose control then you become an angry man.
Life's just a bunch of feelings, coördinated by the heart,
and we all are having trouble, letting down our guard.

Life's just a bunch of feelings thrown together in a can,
and if you lose control then you become an angry man.
Life's just a bunch of feelings coördinated by the heart,
and we all are having troube, letting down our guard.

And if you feel the anger rise up, don't let it bring you down.
Stand tall, and face it, and never lose you crown.
Count to ten, go for a walk.
Some sort of coping mechanism.
Remember people are just people,
and remember they are fragile.

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Geplaatst op: 24-09-2023

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Over deze dichter

lida dichteres (Actief sinds: 24-04-2020)

Informatie bij het gedicht

This is one of my songs, because some songs are truly poetry :) Had to remove some curse words but I think it's still pretty cool ;)


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